Proposal to Institute
WBFF Regional Conventions
in addition to hosting a World Bonsai Convention (WBC) every four years, WBFF now also encourage and support WBFF-branded mid-term Regional World Bonsai Conventions” (“WBFF Regional WBCs”). Given the existing interest in the Regions to have the first of these WBFF Regional WBCs next year in 2024.
​While WBFF has gained a worldwide reputation for the WBCs it holds every four years, WBFF’s mission of promoting the art of bonsai and fostering peace and goodwill among the peoples of the world would achieve even more success by increasing the number of major conventions it holds or supports.
The mid-term Regional WBCs would enhance WBFF’s reputation and give it more opportunities to carry out its mission.
Respectful regional Bonsai organisations are required to contact their respective regional director for the proposal and procedure details, and WBFF is now accepting bids for the 2024 event, with a deadline of 30th December 2023.
Instructions for Bidding to Host a WBFF Regional WBC

Promoting Bonsai Vision
While WBFF has gained a worldwide reputation for the WBCs it holds every four years, WBFF’s mission of promoting the art of bonsai and fostering peace and goodwill among the peoples of the world would achieve even more success by increasing the number of major conventions it holds or supports.
The WBFF tradition of holding a WBC every four (4) years is based on the schedule originated by the Olympics. Since 1994, the Winter Olympics have been held every four years, with the Summer Olympics held two years later. This increase in the number of Olympic events to every two years has generated new audiences and inspired more athletes.
If the WBFF Regional WBC next year is a success, we can set up a procedure for the bidding and selection of the next Host RO Member to organize a WBFF Regional WBC in 2028, two years after the 10th WBC.
I believe that having mid-term Regional WBCs would enhance WBFF’s reputation and give it more opportunities to carry out its mission, and therefore request the Board’s prompt approval to put this plan to the test by announcing the plan and carrying out the invitation and selection process outlined above.
Respectfully submitted,
Chairman Sae Won Kim