Europe Region
Marc Noelanders
WBFF Director - Europe Region
Marc is one of the finest bonsai artists worldwide, he is also the President of European Bonsai Association, he learned Bonsai arts under Master Masahiko Kimura, as well as Saburo Kato. John Naka was another mentor who spoke so well of his ability. Marc established the Neolanders Trophy known as the best and most well-known trophy Bonsai Exhibition in Europe currently.

European Bonsai Association (EBA)

Since the first informal contacts between European Bonsai enthusiast in Heidelberg (1980), the European Bonsai Association (EBA) has acted as a coordinating body for bonsai organisations within its member countries.
The primary aim of the association acting as a non-profit making organisation, has been to promote bonsai art and culture, stimulating its members and teaching them all aspects of the art and science of bonsai.
Much of this has been and continues to be achieved through the bonsai associations and federations within the nineteen member countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Replublic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Monaco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
It is by virtue of the efforts of these member countries that bonsai in Europe today is enjoying such a high degree of popularity. Within each of these countries, Bonsai groups and societies meet on regular basis, holding exhibitions and small conventions. In most instances, the societies join together under the auspices of their national association to put on a major event, often in the form of a national convention, which includes an exhibition bringing together a wide range of quality bonsai specimen from that country.
What we aim to do
Enhance cohesion between member clubs
New links with Eastern Europe and to expand further
Ensure promotion towards the amateurs
Continuous search for talents through quality events at International level
Cost-Effective Participation affordable for all bonsai enthusiasts
Promote the Art of Bonsai
Create a European platform for co-operation between amateur associations
Enhance international exchanges of knowledge and artists
As such, ensure permanent vocational training of the individual amateur
19 National Member Associations
Offering the Art to more than 25.000 individuals
